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Discus in horse chestnut with inlays of elm.


The horse chestnut grew in the grounds of a 16th century hosue in Northamptonshire and is known to have been planted in 1710 (plus or minus 10 years) by John, second Duke of Montagu, who was known as John the Planter.


The tree, which fell down a few years ago, is also beautiful as it has a lot of rippling within it - which can seen as wavy lines which appear to run at right angles to the grain lines.  It is unknown why these lines appear - though there are lots of explanations!  However, it is not related to age so it is just luck that the combination of age and provenance produces such amazing timber.

These forms are purely for display and their infinite variability gives a freshness when seen at different angles; the discus is fixed to the base with a bolt which can be loosened and then tightened to control the angle of rotation of the discus though a full 360 degrees.

The base, with its elegantly curved support, is also made from the same tree.

Diameter of discus: 33cm, height of piece: 33cm, Depth: 18cm

Inlay discus in horse chestnut and elm

SKU: horsechestnut2810
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